Record companies will not last.
In this day and age, companies that do not conform to the times, die by the times. That is what is happening with music today. Napster was maybe one of the greatest inventions of the last decade, and the record companies are scared. Scared to death. They know that if they do not suppress it now, they won't be able to make the billions of dollars they are making now.
Well my thought here at Wiser Productions - Use what the industry is scared of, and make it the tool of the industry". I don't know if that made sense at all, but who cares.
My point is. Let people hear the music. That's all they want to do. It's the exact same thing as making copies of CD's onto tapes. Somebody is getting screwed but someone else is hearing the music they love.
So for you, the listening public we provide free listens. But we do this in the hope that you will like it enough to get the CD. I know, you don't like all the songs of the band, or you would rather burn your own. I've solved that for you too. Any song that is by a Wiser Productions artist is available to be placed on your own custom CD. Just email me and tell what songs you want and in what order and I will create that CD, email you back a site to order it from and there you have it. Your own personal mix. You can also send me pictures to put on the inserts or even name the CD. It is the new wave of music listening pleasure and it started right here.