Are today's artists making you sick?
Well, I can't cure nausea, but I can offer you some new music to listen to. Completely new artists to satisfy your musical pallette. Here is the current list of artists(hopefully getting bigger in the new future).
-Jayson Wiser (Hey! It's me.)
-Kiirsttnae Herman (Look for her demo coming soon!)
-Seth Tornow (If you are in the Minneapolis area go see Seth at a place called Eclipse Records on the 26th of November)
-Throw (Ok they are not together anymore, but they still like each other.)
-Scott Meyer ('Live @ Mad Jacks' tracks coming soon, as well as a possible studio disc.)
-Flaming Leather Chairs (Beginnings of 'Throw' and includes a good drummer.)
Alright that's all I have for now, but I will let you know when there are more.